This capture was made in February 2020 during a truly amazing evening over Mono Lake. I have know for most of my career, at least since 1986, that the best sunset colors over the Lake occur during the winter months. I have not been out with my camera much at Mono Lake over the years. The location has been worked to death it seems! Great job for the Mono Lake Committee!! But this season I have been a bit overwhelmed by ideas and concepts.This idea was simmering for a few days, maybe weeks. I consulted my phone apps about the moon, and the February Snow Moon was perfect. I was meditating daily in the days before the Full Moon, I was contemplating various locations. By the afternoon of the shoot, the right-side of my brain had made the call. I'm not sure if I have ever walked to this exact spot. My wife, Margaret, and I drove quietly out to the Lake. I was very relaxed and ready for a serious shoot as I walked maybe a mile out to the water. It seemed that I was was led to the best spot. I had a bit of the time to scout, but the first place was best. My mind was really at a peak of creativity, I had virtually no "left side" brain activity, the "right side" was in charge. All of my best work the last few years has had this pattern .Quiet, contemplative, each capture shows the essence of my later career as a photographer.