California Oaks and Lupines

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April 2023
We are now offering a selection of impeccably produced Epson Ultrachrome Prints, unique Giclee Canvases, and luminescent Metal Prints.

I took a wonderful and thought-provoking trip last week. It was definitely a moment of settling my mind and being aware of changing circumstances. 

The impetus of the journey was a visit to the opening of “Brain Tumors and Long-Standing Survivors”, an exhibit of the art of patients at University of California, San Francisco. This was a delightful experience for me. Sharing stories, treatment at UCSF, I was so grateful to be a survivorMore about this later. But this enchanting trip was so much more. 

These last years I have always relied on friends for tips to photograph special places which are outside of my home area. There is almost no way one can find these on your own, it took me years to apprehend this concept!The Superbloom of 2023 (if it labeled as such!) was just starting), the Carrizo Plains is known as a place to visit, but where? I had a photographer friend, Jody Langford who lives close by, he accompanied me the day of the shoot before I traveled north to UCSF. He knew where to go! Carrizo Plains is a glimpse into early California, before the development of the last century. Very rural, and areas of incredible color. 

Another occurrence occurred later, after the UCSF visit, I had a minor traffic accident, but the car had to remain in the Bay for several extra days. Remembering my own advice, I called another friend from the East Bay, a photographer who I had drifted away from in life, a big mistake. We exchangedideas, he went to Carrizo, I followed his ideas to Mount Diablo. The mountain was the greenest place I have ever visited, and with amazing flowers tooTHANX! 

Always hope for the unexpected