Dawn, Mount Tom, an Amazing Snow Year

Current Stock:
March 2023
We are now offering a selection of impeccably produced Epson Ultrachrome Prints, unique Giclee Canvases, and luminescent Metal Prints.
For all patrons, pay for two images and take a third at NO cost. There are always discounts for multiple prints orders. And for all my valued clients, I prefer to have a personal connection. Please call/text me. 760 934 5100

I am just getting back to work. Last week, I was in the Renown Hospital in Reno. At this point I do not sure which clients know who knew about this news. I had a great ski season this year, but there were two falls that caused two hematomas in the same area as my brain tumor. For about two months, I was really down, and under the weather, but all seems good now. For a while I could not even type a UPS label. So, for all the people who had outstanding I offer my apologies!

This was my first time out with my camera since the surgery, and everything worked in my brains! We have all driven by this spot looking, Mount Tom in Round Valley, but I have never seen it look this gorgeous. And this was the biggest snowfall of a tremendous winter season. I must admit that the whole winter has been too much for a man my age. Our condo is in a low snow area in town, and now one must climb uphill out of a second door deck!

We will have our Annual Overstock Sale in April. Look for an email, Facebook, or an Instagram too at the end of the month.