Half Dome and Illilouette Falls

Current Stock:
June 2008
Yosemite National Park, California
We are now offering a selection of impeccably produced Epson Ultrachrome Prints, unique Giclee Canvases, and luminescent Metal Prints.
For all patrons, pay for two images and take a third at NO cost. There are always discounts for multiple prints orders. And for all my valued clients, I prefer to have a personal connection. Please call/text me. 760 934 5100

In 1977, I hiked to the base of Illilouette Falls. The image of the falls pouring into its own deep canyon made an impression that has lured a return ever since, and I knew I would have to come back to this enchanting place. In early summer in 2008, it was time. On a hunch, I decided to take a close look from the top of the falls before going to the bottom. The trail in this area is routed far back from the edge. The perch I spotted to shoot from was precarious to reach, even with my extensive climbing background – an overhang of rotten rock upon which to set up my tripod and camera. Setting up atop was followed by the alarming prospect of maneuvering around the camera and tripod, working and changing film, with such unnerving high exposure! Later I saw that the perch was undercut by a good 50 feet! I was lucky to manage good results on my first attempt at this staggering view which leads down Illilouette Canyon and on to the magnificent Half Dome.